New Yoga Session Starts May 1, 2018

One World Yoga:  Stretch fitness at its finest!

Yogi Justin is expanding the Yoga Class! Starting May 1, 2018, One World will be adding a Tuesday Yoga Session to the Class line-up.

Yoga Class Schedule:

  • Sundays 10:30am-11:30am
  • Tuesdays 8:00pm-9:00pm (NEW!)

Fee: No fee for One World members, family and affiliates – no fee

Drop-in (Non-Members): $15

Yogi Justin explains the benefits of yoga in your life and why you should join the class

The idea is to build your personal quintessential athlete. To polish our workouts with regular weekly relief – or use as a rest day – GROWTH day.

Strong and precise. Gentle but firm. Steel is only useful when tempered.

A class based on accuracy of fundamental yoga stretches and movement. The classes will be composed of warming up with sun salutaions, 3-5 standing postures, 3-5 deep seated stretches, and a few minutes rest; savasana.

– For beginner to intermediate yogi or those looking for a good stretch. Ages 15+
– Warm clothing. It is the summer months coming up and that allows for this class. Please bring long sleeves/pants that you can move and lightly sweat in comfortably.
– More focused on holding stretches and building recovery. Not so much up and down dogs after warm up.
– Every class will have a breathe exercise. This intention is to engage inner endurance, and control.
– There will be no chanting or rituals. But you may sing to the music if you like! I do play oldies, R&B, or no-word rhythms/beats to get our stretch on.

– Thank you David Gora for the OW Yoga Logo.


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