Mental Survivial and Weapons Handling Seminar October 18, 2014 (Saturday)

One World Self Defense and Black Knight Training Group is offering a unique two part training opportunity that will help you survive a critical incident both mentally, physically and legally.



 Saturday October 18, 2014: 11AM to 3PM


Part One is a 2 hour lecture that will introduce you to techniques taught to police and military personnel that develop their Mental Awareness Skills when entering high-risk environments. The different levels of force will also be discussed along with the consequences involved in using force. Included in the lecture are strategies for dealing with stress in a deadly force encounter and the aftermath of that encounter. This presentation will help you to avoid being involved in a high risk encounter, and if you are, how to survive your Use of Force both legally and emotionally.


Part Two is a 2 hour block of instruction that will cover basic handgun handling skills to include the proper functioning and loading of semi-automatic handguns and how to obtain a proper stance, grip and sight alignment. These skills will be reinforced by firing training weapons at an indoor range set up at SDI. Part Two will also cover basic and advanced Krav Maga handgun defensive techniques.


To register, sign up at the front counter. The seminar is $40.00 per attendee. Class size will be limited to 24 students.




 **Half of all proceeds will go to support
The Wounded Warrior Project**


richard_meure1 RICHARD MEURE – Police Officer for over 24 years. Currently a member of his department’s SWAT Team. He is also part of a regional Tactical Counter Terrorism Team. He teaches tactical firearms skills along  with being a Defensive Tactics Instructor.

Rick currently holds a Krav Maga Brown Belt.






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