Mental Health Awareness WOD May 21, 2016

May is mental health awareness month!
Join Crossfit One World on May 21, 2016 (Armed Forces Day & mental health awareness month) for a WOD & stigma-fighting awareness raiser.
For Time complete:
800 meter run
30 squat snatches 95/65 pounds
400 -meter run
30 hang cleans 95/65 pounds
200-meter run
30 back squats 95/65 pounds
400-meter run
30 push ups
800-meter run
30 pull ups
(Newbies: don’t worry! The WOD can be scaled!)

CF Coach Becky Sefczik was a much loved navy veteran who died by suicide in 2015, she coached at CF tracks in Kentucky.
Please join, bring friends, celebrate our armed forces, fight mental health stigma!
Optional tee/tank sales for fundraising for mental health non profits

*Did you know more than 60 million Americans will suffer from a mental health disorder in any given year? That veterans (just 1% of the population) account for 20% of suicides?
That 13+% of children between 8-18 suffer from a mental health disorder?
We all have suffered, or known & love someone who has suffered from a mental health condition.


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