Life After High School

We have a bunch One World parents with Senior kids in High School who will not be allowed to attend the last quarter of their senior year or experience they joys of a graduation ceremony due to Covid-19 State-wide school closures. With that, we have organized a free Zoom seminar to help Seniors prepare for life after high school.

The “Life After High School” Zoom seminar is open to anyone who is interested -One World Members and Non-Members alike.  The topics will include what to expect after high school, tips for success, finance basics and stress management. Our guest speakers are some of the most respected people in their professions. You will not want to miss this free seminar!

Please feel free to pass along the Zoom information to your friends, your neighbors, co-workers or anyone you know who may have a child in the same situation. We have a great speaker lineup including 3 of our very own awesome One World Family Members; Dr. Helen, Big Vic and Rok-it Jojo!

Thank you Jojo for putting this together and thank our stellar guest speakers for volunteering their time to this worthy cause!

@rok_jo and @dr_chimera @vjhuang11


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