Anderson Cooper

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Anderson Cooper started as a correspondent for ABC News, but in 2003 he got his own show on CNN, “Anderson Cooper 360.” In 2012, he became the news story when he came out as gay.

“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” he said at the time.

Since then, Cooper has become somewhat of a gay icon, appearing on TV and out in public with his close friend, Andy Cohen.

In 2020, he revealed he had a son via surrogate and that he would be raising him with his ex-partner.

“As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child, and I am so grateful to all those who paved the way,” he said.


10 Min EMOM

10 Single Leg RDL

5 Left Leg /5 Right Leg

Romanian Deadlift

Romanian Deadlift

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 4 Minutes

3 Intervals with 2 minutes Rest in between

10 Front Squats (105/155)

10 Toes To Bar

15 Box Jumps (20/24)



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