WOD July 24, 2014 (Thursday)

What’s up everyone! The week started off pretty strong, I’m assuming all of you are a little beat up tonight. Tomorrow will be a day that you can work on a skill, Double Unders!
Here’s the workout for Thursday, July 24 2014:
Warm Up
Shoulder/Hip/Lower Back Mobility (nothing less than 10 minutes)
Tier 1 and 2
4 x 100 Double Unders
The goal is to complete 100 double unders in 5 minutes or less.
*If you DO NOT have double unders, your goal is one double under, for every 10 singles (using a 15 minute clock).
Tier 3
Complete the following Double Under sets for time:
*You ARE NOT allowed to advance to the next set, unless you complete a full set UNBROKEN!
Here’s an example: If you are on the set of 40 double unders and you miss at 39, you must go back to the beginning of set 40 and start from zero. Once you complete 40 double unders UNBROKEN, you may advance to the set of 45. 



This is just a head’s up that One World and Crossfit Endurance will be hosting a Trainer/Athlete Endurance Seminar on October 11 and October 12. Check it out in the UPCOMING EVENTS section!



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