Jigsaw Throwdown 2015

Hey One Worlders!

It’s that time of year again to support Crossfit Jigsaw in their  3rd annual Throwdown! This year all proceeds will benefit California School for the Deaf Athletic Department


Saturday November 21, 2015, 9am – 2pm

Crossfit Jigsaw
42670 Albrae Street
Fremont, Ca 94538

*Male division 16 teams, Female division 16 teams – Teams of 2 9am – 2pm

*3 Workouts partner style (full workouts to be released the week of competition)

*Movement requirements (not all inclusive to all events)

Back Squat 185#/125# Snatch 115#/75#
Wall ball 20#/14# Box Jump 24″/20″
Thruster 95#/65# Double Unders
Clean and Jerk 155#/105# Pullups
Deadlift 255#/165# Burpees

*contact dal@crossfitjigsaw.com to get registered or check out their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/398491293689841/


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