
CrossFit One World – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

5 x’s E2MOM (10 Min.)

20 Mountain Climbers (knees to elbows)

10 Pistols (5R/5L)

20 Bicycle Crunches


Front Squat (4 Tempo Front Squats 5 X E2MOM (10 Min) @ 70%)

3 Seconds Down, 1 Second Up


Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds of EMOM (18 min.):

Odd: Plank Hold*

Even: Push-Ups

Odd: Squat Hold*

Even: Jumping Squats

Odd: Handstand or Pike Push up hold (Pike Push up hold should be in bottom position, w/ head 1 inch off the ground)*

Even: V-Ups

*Run Penalty: 100 Meter Run for Each time you break any hold, to be completed after the Metcon is over
**Add weight to plank hold, squat hold and jumping squats if you want an extra challenge


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