CrossFit One World – CrossFit
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 2
20 Min AMRAP
1-1,2-2,3-3, 4-4,…, etc. (You Go, I Go)
Air Squat + Box Jump
5 Push-Ups, (Each)
5 V-Ups (Each)
5 Plank Get-Ups (Each) R&L=1
Both Partners must be done with full round before moving on.
Example: Partner A does 1 air squat + box jump, Partner B does 1 air squat + box jump, then both complete 5 p-ups, 5 v-ups, 5 plank get-ups = 1 round.
Next, Partner A does 2 air squat + box jump, Partner B does 2 air squat + box jump, then both complete 5 p-ups, 5 v-ups, 5 plank get-ups = 2 rounds, etc.
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Teams of 2 (Alternating Minutes)
Odd Minutes: Partner A, Max Hang Power Cleans 95/125
Even Minutes: Partner B, Max Hang Power Cleans 95/125
Your score will be total reps between the two of you, resting partner will count reps for working partner.