Ifti Nasim

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Bulgarian Split Squats

5 Sets /E2MOM

10 Right and 10 Left Bulgarian Split Squats

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

6 Pull Ups

9 Box Jump Overs

12 Front Rack Reverse Alt Lunges with Barbell (55/75)

19 Push Press

13 Air Squats
Born in Pakistan, Ifti Nasim wrote “Narman”, an award winning book of Urdu poetry – said to be the first direct statement of “gay” longings and desires to ever appear in that language. Its courageous publication met with revilement but critical acclaim and inspired other Pakistan poets. “Narman” has also been distributed in England, Norway, Sweden, and Germany. In December 2000, he published “Myrmecophile”. He co-founded Sangat/Chicago and has been president of the South Asian Performing Arts Council of America.


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