FSTR Partner Throwdown 2015

FSTR Partner Throwdown 2015

Any One Worlder interested in a partner throwdown?

Crossfit Tracy is hosting the FSTR Partner Throwdown Saturday, December 5, 2015.

FSTR Partner Throwdown Details:


Get together with a partner (male/male or female/female) to compete in CrossFit Tracy’s partner competition, Scaled or RX division. Cost is $150 per team and will include a shirt for every team member. There will be men’s shirts and women’s burnout tank tops.
Each partner team needs to supply a judge, (CF-L1 is preferred), please contact us if you are having a hard time finding a judge. Have your judge register on the judges registration page on wodrocket.com to get their shirt!
There will be three workouts and a Final workout for the top teams. The first three workouts will be released a week prior to the competition.
**No CF Regional Qualifing athletes please**
Barbell movements RX (Scaled)
Clean 185/130 (135/95)
Snatch 155/110 (115/75)
Deadlift 225/155 (185/115)
Overhead squat 135/95 (95/65)
Thruster 135/95 (95/65)
Body weight movements RX
Pull-ups RX
Rope climbs – RX
Box Jumps 24/20 RX
Toes to bar – RX
Handstand push-ups – RX
Double unders – RX
Weighted lunges (front rack/overhead)
Body weight movements Scaled
Abmat sit-ups – scaled
Box step ups – scaled
Singles – scaled


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