CrossFit One World – CrossFit
Rope Climb (E2MOM for 10 mins 2-3 Rope Climbs)
Metcon (Time)
For Time (with a Partner)
With a Running Clock:
2 Rounds of:
200M Buddy Carry or 200M 25# or 45# Plate Carry
20 Planking Partner Burpees
Then, 10 Rounds of:
8 Synchronized Pull-Ups
12 Synchronized Push-Ups
Start the clock and begin the 2-round portion of the workout, partitioning the work as needed between partners. Once the last burpee is completed move immediately to the 10-round synchronized portion of the workout.
For the planking partner burpees, one partner holds plank while the other partner does burpees with a jump over the planking partner.
For the synchronized portion of the workout partners must perform each rep in unison for the rep to count. Each partner must complete 8 pull-ups and 12 push-ups per round.