Fall Brawl Competition -2015

Fall Brawl!

Hey everyone it’s official and very important!

Saturday October 31 2015 – 7:00am

One World will host a team competition that is open to all athletes from the greater Bay Area. Teams will consist of Male/Male or Female/Female. There is an RX and scaled division:

30 Spots – Rx Male
30 Spots – Rx Female
30 Spots – Scaled Male
30 Spots – Scaled Female

The cost per team is 130.00 (65.00 per athlete). One World members are encouraged to participate at a discounted rate. You will form your own team.
*For anyone that is not interested in “open field” competition but wants to help. I need 30 judges that I can depend on to help this event run as timely and as professional as possible. Judges I will take care of you for giving me your time!

All teams will register and receive real-time scores and team rankings on wodrocket.com

More information coming soon!




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