Fall Brawl 2015 -Movement Recap

Fall Brawl WOD Recap

Saturday, October 31, 2-15 7am-3pm

FALL BRAWL: WOD 1 – All Teams

Complete a 1 Rep Max of the following complex:
 (Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk)

*10 Minute Clock
 *Score will be the accumulated 1RM of both partners
 *Partner 1 (minutes 0-5)
 *Partner 2 (minutes 5-10)
 *Non lifting partner will load/unload weight for lifting partner

FALL BRAWL: WOD 2 – RX Male Teams/RX Female Teams

Complete for time:
 21 Overhead Squats 95/65
 21 Bar Facing Burpees

 15 Overhead Squats 135/95
 15 Bar Facing Burpees

 9 Overhead Squats 185/135
 9 Bar Facing Burpees

 *10 Minute Cap
 *Score is time of completion or total amount of reps completed in the time given
 *Partner 1 must complete their round of 21/21, before partner 2 can start on their round of 21/21
 *Partner 1 must complete their round of 15/15, before partner 2 can start on their round of 15/15
 *Partner 1 must complete their round of 9/9, before partner 2 can start on their round of 9/9

FALL BRAWL: WOD 2 – Scaled Male Teams/Scaled Female Teams

Complete for time:
 21 Overhead Squats 65/45
 21 Bar Facing Burpees

 15 Overhead Squats 95/65
 15 Bar Facing Burpees

 9 Overhead Squats 135/95
 9 Bar Facing Burpees
 *10 Minute Cap

 *Score is time of completion or total amount of reps completed in the time given
 *Partner 1 must complete their round of 21/21, before partner 2 can start on their round of 21/21
 *Partner 1 must complete their round of 15/15, before partner 2 can start on their round of 15/15
 *Partner 1 must complete their round of 9/9, before partner 2 can start on their round of 9/9

FALL BRAWL: WOD 3/Floater – All Teams

8 Minute AMRAP
 Maximum Calories
 *Partners will switch every 2 minutes
 *This WOD will be scored in two parts
 *Part one of your score will be 100 calories for time
 *Part two of your score will be maximum total calories in minutes

FALL BRAWL: WOD 4 “Movements” – RX Male Teams/RX Female Teams
 Wall Balls – 20/14, Ten Feet
 Pull Ups – Chin over the bar
 Deadlifts – 185/125

FALL BRAWL: WOD 4 – Scaled Male Teams/Scaled Female Teams
 Wall Balls – 20/14, Nine Feet
 Pull Ups – Band Assisted (provided by One World)
 Deadlifts – 155/105

 *Reps/rounds, order of movements and time cap will be released the week of the competition.


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