Fall Brawl Check-in 2015

Athletes, Coaches, Spectators…

Judges/Volunteers, family and friends

Fall Brawl 2015
Saturday, October 31, 2015
CrossFit One World: 33415 Western Ave. Union City Ca.


The doors open at 6:00am. Registration starts at 7:00am. Registration ends at 7:50am.

Athlete briefing is from 7:50am to 8:10am. Heat 1 starts at 8:30am

The entire front parking lot will act as the athlete & vendor village, for team tents, canopies, coolers, food vendors, apparel vendors, and supplement vendors.

Up to 8 Concept 2 Rowers will be positioned directly in the middle of the athlete & vendor village. The Floater WOD will take place here! Judges/Volunteers will be available with a personal stopwatch. Teams must have their scorecard present at the time of completing the floater.

Standards, WODs, heats, lanes and the final WOD will be addressed in the athlete briefing.




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