Eskrima November 28, 2015

One World Self Defense Escrima Class Update

Ansel’s back teacking Escrima!

What is Escrima?

This is Cabales Serrada Escrima, one of the first styles openly taught in the US. Most styles that use serrada (from cerrado: close) technique can trace their lineage directly from the Cabales school. It is a “root” system so there is a distinct lack of flashy “audience friendly” techniques. The system in noted for pioneering the 12 angles of attack in its curriculum, which greatly simplifies training for the students. Fighting with sticks, bladed weapons, and empty hand techniques are taught within the 12 angle system.

Next class is Saturday the 28th, 1100-1300. Bring a stick, BRING A FRIEND!

A word from Ansel on the Escrima Program:
Due to chaotic nature of my schedule there will be few class for the rest of 2015. Because of this there is no charge for anyone to attend, members or otherwise.
Starting Jan 2016 there will be a $5 per class charge for members, $7 for non-members. Monthly fee to-be-determined, probably $50 members / $70 non-members.
Hey One Worlders, the cost for the two (2) hour Escrima Class is less than paying for a fancy cup of coffee. Ansel is doing this for the love of the Escrima, not the monetary gain. Give it a try!


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