Earth Day Fun Run April 21, 2018

One World CrossFit and Krav Maga will be representing at Earth Day 5k Fun Run on April 21, 2018!

CrossFit One World and One World Alpha Krav Maga will be hosting activities at the New Haven Schools Foundation (NHSF) Earth Day Run for Schools. The annual event raises funds for education enhancement and scholarships for New Haven Unified School District (Union City/South Hayward) public school students.

5K / Race, chip-timed, designed for serious runners, fitness-minded people, outdoor enthusiasts, and just for fun!!! In addition to serious runners, the 5K is historically popular with walkers, and those with baby strollers and dogs. (Serious runner are positioned near the starting line, ahead of more casual participants)

CrossFit One World is joining the NHSF Earth Day Celebration adding an exciting new element to the program.  CrossFit One World will lead two twenty-five minute fitness programs – one for adults and one for youth.  CrossFit incorporates elements of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics and track and field training techniques into workouts.  Workouts are formatted to engage the entire body. Expert instruction and individual coaching will be provided by the CrossFit One World team.

Obstacle Course/CrossFit One World Training:

  • 2 sessions, one for adults & one for youth
  • Twenty-five minute program
  • Incorporates weightlifting, gymnastics & track & field workouts
  • Fun & satisfying way to get fit
  • Free self-defense Demo (10 minute)

One World Alpha Krav Maga self-defense techniques:

  • Reaction and reflexive-based
  • Effective on people of all shapes and sizes
  • Works for all experience and fitness levels
  • 4 sessions (900, 930, 1100 & 1130)

Earth Day Event highlights:

  • 5K Run along the Alameda Creek Trail, professionally timed.
  • Fitness and Self-Defense Challenge with CrossFit One World and One World Alpha Krav Maga coaches.
  • Earth Day activities focused on science, the environment, health and fitness. (Free and open to all.)
  • Free goody bag for all registrants
  • Free event t-shirt for all registrants
  • Participant medal for all participants


Event Details:

Date: Saturday April 21, 2018
Start Time: 09:00am

Cesar Chavez Middle School
2801 Hop Ranch Road
Union City

Online registration link is here.



To register:


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