
CrossFit One World – CrossFIT


Due to Alameda County re-entering the purple tier by order of Governor Newsom, classes are now moved outside with weather permitting. Due to these changes, classes may be cancelled with short notice. We ask that you be patient and flexible with us while we navigate the current situation. Please continue to check Wodify, your email, or the One World Facebook group for more updates.


12 Min E2MOM

5 Deadlift @ 68%-70% 1 RM Deadlift



Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

For Time

21-15-9-60 Sec Rest – 9-15-21

KB Goblet Squat 70/53

KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull

2 Min Transition/REST


21-15-9-60 Sec Rest -9-15-21

Hand Release Push Ups


25 Double Unders Between Sets


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