CrossFit – Wed, May 3

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Power Clean (10 Min E2MOM
5 Rep Power Clean
@70% – 75%)

Push Jerk (4 Rounds of 90 Sec ( 6 Min)
4 Reps Push Jerk + Split 1 Jerk
@ 70% – 75%)

Split Jerk

$$ Breaking Bad (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

On a 14 minute clock:

AMRAP in 4 minutes:

Buy-In: 200 meter Run
Then AMRAP in remaning time of:
10 Thrusters (105/65 lb)
5 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

1 minute Rest

AMRAP in 4 minutes:
Buy-In: 200 meter Run
Then AMRAP in remaining time of:
8 Thrusters (125/75 lb)
5 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

1 minute Rest

AMRAP in 4 minutes:
Buy-In: 200 meter Run
Then AMRAP in remaining time of:
6 Thrusters (135/85 lb)
5 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

The built-in rest will allow you to recover a bit, but not completely. The 1-minute rest will fly by, which means each round will get harder. In round 1, go hard but not 100% – target about 85-90% of your max speed – and note your total rounds/reps during the rest.

Target getting the same score on all 3 rounds…consistency is the key here. As the rounds progress the Thruster weights increase, while the reps decrease.

Take big breaths during the Rest periods to slow your heart rate down.

As for the burpees, pick a steady pace you can hold. Consider stepping up each rep to help control your heart rate.

Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible (AMRAP) in 4 minutes of the prescribed work in the order written. Rest 1 minute. Increase the load on the Barbell during the rest period. Repeat 2 more times.

– Thrusters: Picking the appropriate weight is critical, Pick the heaviest weight you complete 6 Thrusters unbroken when fresh as your final weight. Work backwards from there — take 10 lb off for each previoius round. For example, if your max weight is 75 lbs for 6 reps unbroken, your weights will be:
Round 1: 55 lb
Round 2: 65 lb
Round 3: 75 lb

– Bar Over Burpees: If you don’t feel comfortable jumping over the bar, you can scale by stepping over the barbell each rep. This will also help maintain your heart rate.


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