CrossFit – Wed, May 10

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Deadlift (10 Min E2MOM
4 Rep Deadlift
@ 80% – 85%)

$$ Lil Stu (Time)

4 Rounds for Time:

20 Alternating Pistols
20 Cal Row
20 Alternating Renegade Rows (2x 35 lb)

This workout is full of big sets of 20’s which will require some rest and recovery during each movement.

If you can perform 10 alternating Pistols unbroken, complete this workout RX.

If you are working on your Pistol skill, pick the hardest option below that you can complete 10 alternating Pistols unbroken when fresh.

The Row will not feel like much of a break since your legs will be tired. Pick a pace you can hold steady for the 20 cals.

As for the renegade rows, form is the most important factor here. Maintain a strong core through each pull up. Flat back (try to avoid putting your butt in the air) and keep your shoulders as square to the ground as possible. This isn’t a fast movement so don’t rush through it. Break as often as you need and rest on your knees.

Log your score as the time on the clock when the last Renegade Row has been completed.

– If you are close to pistols but don’t have them consecutively yet, use the hook ankle back method (demo video below)
– If you are still working on getting your first Pistol use the Lunge Back Ankle Up method (demo video below)
– If you are not close to getting a Pistol yet, don’t worry! You are not alone. Complete 20 Step Back Lunges per round.


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