CrossFit – Wed, Jan 18

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Snatch Complex (Weight)

E2MOM x 5

1 – Complex: Hang Power Snatch (above knee), Low Hang Power Snatch(below knee), and Power Snatch (from ground)

Load 60-65% 1RM

Perform all three movements unbroken.

What in the “63” Coach Ron? (Time)

For Time:

Complete 63 Burpees

Every 1:30:

18 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 lbs, then,

Max reps of burpees in the remaining time.

Rest :30 secondsand repeat until you reach 63 Reps.
The kettle swings will take roughly 25-30 seconds which will leave you about a minute to do burpees. Each round is 2:00 so if you finished the 63 reps 1:05 seconds into your 4th round, your time is 7:05. Tip: To speed up the kettlebell swing, try to actively pull the kettlebell back down from the finish position rather than letting it drop.


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