CrossFit – Wed, Aug 14

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Push Press (12 Min E2MOM 6×4
4 Rep Push Press
@ 75% Increase Weight by 5 every set)

Fire Belly (Time)

4 Rounds for time:

100 Meter Farmers Carry (KB on one arm, DB on the other)

20 Single-Arm DB Push Presses

25 KB Swings

RX DB 50/35 KB 53/35

Grip strength is important, and this workout will really put yours to the test. Starting each round with a heavy farmers carry expect to break this up from the beginning. Pick the heaviest weight you can do 50 meters unbroken when fresh.

As for the single arm Push presses, this will also need to be broken up. We are working on dripping down through the legs and driving the weight up through the shoulders and triceps. Since this is a single arm activity ensure your core (obliques) are engaged throughout the entire movement.

Finally, the Kettlebell swings, breathing through each rep and focusing on locking out your knees and tightening your glutes at the top of each rep. We are going all the way overhead on these.

INSTRUCTIONS On a running clock, perform 100-meter Farmers Carry, 20 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses and 25 Kettlebell Swings. Record your score as the total time it takes to complete the entire workout as written. SCALING OPTIONS Scale the reps and weight as needed. Use a Dumbbell if no Kettlebell is available.


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