CrossFit – Tue, May 9

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Power Clean (10 Min E2MOM
4 Reps Power Clean
@ 75% – 80%)

$$ Chesty DB DT (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 14 minutes:

8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
2 Rounds of Double “Dumbbell DT” (2×50/35 lb)*

12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Cleans
6 Push Jerks

For the Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, if you have 5 unbroken Chest-to-Bars when fresh, complete this portion RX. Working that bigger pull will help you with the Muscle-Up as well. If Chest-to-Bars have not developed yet, pick the hardest option below that you can do 5 repetitions unbroken when fresh.

Double Dumbbell DT is the main focus for the day. If this is your first time doing this version of the classic “DT” hero workout get ready to feel your grip. Experienced athletes may look at this as one continuous set per round (that’s 27 reps to be exact). Even if you break it up, the great news is that each lift leads into the next. For example the Deadlift is the first part of the Hang Clean, and the Hang Clean gets the Dumbbells to your shoulders to prepare you for the Shoulder-to-Overhead.


The best way to approach this workout, if you don’t think you can do 27 reps unbroken per round, is in sets like the following:
-11 Deadlifts, then rest
-1 Deadlift, then 8 Hang Cleans, then rest
-1 Hang Clean, and 6 Shoulder-to-Overhead

If you think you will need to break the workout up more than the above 3 sets, reduce the load to 25 lb or a weight you feel you could do all 27 reps unbroken when fresh.

On a 14-minute clock, perform as many rounds as possible of 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups and then 2 Rounds of Double Dumbbell DT. Record your score as the total rounds and reps complete before the 14 minute clock stops.

CHEST-TO-BAR PULL-UPS: If you don’t have 5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, pick from the list below the most challenging option you can complete 5 repetitions unbroken when fresh:
– Banded Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
– Kipping Pull-Ups
– Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
– Ring Row
– Bent Over Dumbbell Row (2 x 55/35 lb)


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