CrossFit – Thu, May 4

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Deadlift (10 Min E2MOM
5 Deadlift
@ 75% – 80%)

Single Leg RDL (4 Rounds Of 90 Sec (6Mins)
6 Reps Total (3L 3R)
@ DB 20/10)

$$ Big Chief Energy (BCE) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Five 3-minute AMRAPs:

AMRAP in 3 minutes of:

2 Power Snatches (135/95 lb)
4 Hand-Release Push-Ups
6 Pistols (alternating)

1 minute Rest after each AMRAP

Repeat 5 times total
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible (“AMRAP“) in 3 minutes of the prescribed work in the order written, then rest 1 minute. Repeat five times. This workout is based on the classic CrossFit benchmark workout, “The Chief.”

Start each AMRAP where you left off on the previous AMRAP. Score is the total number of rounds and reps completed across all three AMRAPs.

Today we’ll get in some interval work and do it through the format of a classic CrossFit benchmark, “The Chief,” with increased complexity of movement compared to the original.


Duration: Very short (3 minutes, per interval)
Volume: Moderate to high, depending (3-5 rounds/interval)
Load: Moderate

Power Snatch
Total time: Under :20 total/round
Capacity: Ability to go unbroken, if asked, but fast singles are fine.
Feel: Moderately heavy

Hand-Release Push-Ups
Total time: Under :10/round
Capacity: Ability to go unbroken, regardless of scaling option, for most of the workout
Feel: Hard, but not close to maximal

Total time: Under :30/round
Capacity: Ability to keep a consistent, fast pace
Feel: Hard, but not maximal


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