CrossFit – Thu, May 18

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Front Squat (10 Min E2MOM
6 Rep Front Squat
@ 60%- 65%)

Overhead Lunges (5 Round of 90 Sec (7.5 Mins)
6 Rep Total OH Lunges
(Start light new movement. Lean toward caution please us Barbell))

$$ Climb the Ladder (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

As Many Reps As Possible in 14 Minutes:

2 Pull-Ups
10 Wall balls (20/14 lb)
4 Pull-Ups
10 Wall balls
6 Pull-Ups
10 Wall balls
8 Pull-Ups
10 Wall balls

*add two reps to the Pull-Ups each round. Wall ball reps remains the same (10 reps each round)
Today’s challenge will benefit from us having a method of keeping track of rounds and reps throughout the workout, charting out the ascending Pull-Ups and crossing off each round as we go.

This ascending ladder will work our mental capacity. The first few rounds will fly by. As the Pull-Ups continue to increase so might our rest between sets. Try and hold onto the unbroken set of wall balls and pull-ups for as long as you can. Remember the wall ball reps will remain 10 each round, the wild card is on the pull-ups. This is a great time to get some practice in.

On a 14 minute clock, perform in an ascending ladder a couplet of Pull-Ups and Wall Balls, beginning each round with Pull-Ups which increase by 2 reps each round. Wall Balls will be the same 10 reps every round.

Record your score as the total reps completed in 14 minutes.


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