CrossFit – Thu, Jun 8

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Deadlift (10 Min E2MOM
5 Deadlift
@ 75% – 80%)

Single Leg RDL (4 Rounds Of 90 Sec (6Mins)
6 Reps Total (3L 3R)
@ DB 20/10)

Goddessmaker (Time)

6 Rounds for Time:

8 Goddessmakers* (2×35/25 lb)

200 meter Run

Rest 2 minutes

*1 Goddessmaker consists of: 1 Dumbbell Push-Up, 1 Right-Arm Plank Row, 1 Left-Arm Plank Row, 1 Dumbbell Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Overhead Reverse Lunge each leg (unbroken)

A Goddessmaker (an extended version of a Man Maker) consists of the following in order: Using Dumbbells, perform a pushup, then a plank row (aka: renegade row) each arm. Jumping the feet to the hands, stand and clean the dumbbells, perform a front squat then a push press. Finally, with the dumbbells overhead, perform a reverse lunge each leg.



6 Rounds for Time

8 Goddessmakers (2×25/15 lb)

200 meter Run

Rest 2 minutes


6 Rounds for Time

8 Goddessmakers (2×20/10 lb)

200 meter Run

Rest 2 minutes


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