Crossfit Team Series Starts August 28, 2014

By Joy Lin Ong

Just thought to share in case some of you may like to represent OW.

This is the CrossFit HQ’s Team Series.
There are Rx, Scaled and Masters divisions.
For details, visit the Crossfit HQ Team Series website at: 



The series will consist of three separate competitions, each featuring multiple workouts.

The first set of workouts will be released the week of August 28. Once announced, teams will have four days to submit their scores. For the series, teams will consist of any two men and two women who perform the workouts together. Teams may include members from different gyms.

There will be three divisions: Rx, scaled and masters. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 10 teams in the Rx division once the series is complete.

Registration is US$100 per team for all divisions and US$500 for sponsored teams.


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