CrossFit – Sun, Jun 9

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Push Press (12 Min E2MOM
4 Rep
Start @ 65 % Increase 5-10 every set
Record last set @ Wodify)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min AMRAP

400m Run / 500 Row

15 American Kettle Bell Swing

10 Alt Pistol Squat

15 Hang Power Snatch

10 Box Jump

Rx KB 35/53 Bar 35/45 Box 20/24

Rx+ KB 53/70 Bar 65/95 Box 24/30


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Strength & Conditioning Youth Summer Camp

One World Strength & Conditioning Youth
Summer Camp is a 6-week camp that will focus on building speed, power & strength.