CrossFit – Sun, Dec 24


Happy Holidays

Reminder: No Yoga Class Sunday 12/24/23

11:30 am Sunday Crossfit Open for everyone.

Monday One class 11 am everyone welcome.

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Overhead Squat (12 Min E2MOM
4 Rep Overhead Squat
@ 55 % of 1 RM OHS
Increase 5 Ibs. per set

Record Last Set on WODIFY)

LVL 2 Hyper Jump (5 Rounds for time)

25 Min E5MOM

10 Box Jump

20 Push Ball 20/14

10 Hang Power Snatch 115/65

20 Double Under

100 m Run

Note: When the 5 min time runs out regardless which movement you are at, begin at box jump. If your not finishing all 5 movement within the 5 mins, remove the run and rest with the remaining time.


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