CrossFit – Sat, Sep 23


84 Stroll and Roll Update

Saturday, September 23rd @ 8:00AM
Niles Canyon Road, corner of 84 and Mission Boulevard
(bottom left of map below)

Please wear a helmet!
Family and kids are encouraged to come!



Location: Vallejo Mill Elementary
38569 Canyon Heights Drive
Fremont, CA 94536

school drop-off playground
first come, first serve

Text Monica @ 510 468 1355 if you have any questions!


Stroll & Roll website overview map.webp

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Metcon (2 Rounds for time)

Teams of 2

10 Alt. Rounds of:

7/10 Calorie Bike

6 Burpee Box Jumps 20/24

Rest 2 mins

For time (18 min cap)

50 Power Cleans 95/135

3000 Meter Row

*Both working at the the same time for the second portion of the workout


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