Crossfit Pleasanton Spring Fling Partner Comp 2016

CrossFit Pleasanton is excited to be hosting its Spring Fling partner Comp. The event will be on May 7th 2016! This competition will have an Rx and Scaled division. Teams are made up of two athletes one male one female. They will be participating in 3 WOD’s with a final WOD for top teams.

“Scaled requirements”

No coaches or Personal Trainers, Never competed in a RX competition, RX 50% of most WOD’s at your gym.

These are the weights that will be required in the workouts.

Barbell movements RX and (Scaled)
Clean 135/95 (115/75)
Snatch 115/75 (95/63)
Deadlift 225/155 (185/115)
Overhead squat 115/75 (95/63)
Thruster 115/83 (95/65)

Body weight movements RX
Pull-ups RX
Rope climbs – RX
Box Jumps 24/20 RX
Toes to bar – RX
Handstand push-ups – RX
Double Unders – RX
Weighted lunges (front rack/overhead)

Body weight movements Scaled
Abmat sit-ups
Box step ups
Single rope jumps


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