CrossFit One World – CrossFit
Snatch (6 Rounds for weight)
E3MOM x 6
Every 3 Minutes:
3 Snatches 60% 1RM increase each round up to 80%. These are not touch and go.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
For a total of 3 Cycles:
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
3 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 lbs
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
7 Pull-ups
Rest 2 mins between each cycle.
For each cycle restart the AMRAP
Scaling Options:
Reduce Load
Reduce Box Height/Step Overs
Ring Rows
The primary objective today is to have all out efforts in each cycle. Ideally you would be accumulating close to 3 rounds each 3 min interval.