CrossFit – Mon, Jun 12

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Snatch (10 Min E2MOM
3 Rep Snatch
@ 70% – 75%)

Snatch Balance (4 Rounds of 90 Sec
3 Rep Snatch Balance
@ 30% of Power Snatch)

$$ Clean Swingers (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lb)
Hang Power Cleans (125/85 lb)

*Add 3 reps to each movement each round.
The first several rounds will fly by, but don’t get used to that rewarding feeling of chipping away at rounds. They will slow dramatically as we are increasing each movement by 3 reps after each round.

The hip explosion is going to be key for all three movements. Feel free to step up and back on the burpees to help maintain a steady heart rate. Kettlebell swings are overhead (American) and should feel light. Pick the heaviest weight you can hold 25 Reps unbroken when fresh.

Hang Power Cleans definitely involve the hip; however, your grip and traps will also be tested. Focus on dropping under the bar on each rep. Pick the heaviest weight you can hold 15 reps unbroken when fresh. This should feel light/moderate.


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