CrossFit – Mon, Jan 1


Happy Holidays

Reminder: No Yoga Class Sunday 31

11:30 am Sunday Crossfit Open for everyone.

Monday One class 11 am everyone welcome.

Let start the New Year right

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

New Year’s Circus (Time)

For these 20 movements, complete 24 reps of each for time:

1. push press (85/55), 2. deadlifts (85/55), 3. air squats, 4. burpees, 5. hang power cleans (85/55), 6. box jump overs (20″/18″), 7. front squats (85/55), 8. calorie row, 9. power snatch (85/55), 10. toes-to-bar

11. back squats (85/55), 12. calorie bike, 13. barbell reverse lunges (85/55), 14. sit-ups, 15. wall balls (20/14), 16. clean and jerks (85/55), 17. pull ups, 18. overhead squats (85/55), 19. push-ups, 20. thrusters (85/55)

Time cap: 30 minutes


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