CrossFit – Fri, May 5

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Back Squat (10 Min E2MOM
4 Rep Back Squat
@75% 80%)

Split Squats (4 Rounds of 90 Sec (6 Mins)
8 Reps (4 Reps Left leg 4 Reps Right leg)
@ 30% of Back Squat)

Step 1 — Find Your Split Stance Stand tall holding a pair of dumbbells with your feet under your hips. …
Step 2 — Align the Torso and Descend Squat down, keeping your chest up, until your back knee touches the floor. …
Step 3 — Contract and Stand Up Make sure that you feel most of the contraction in your lead leg. …

$$ Eevee (Time)

For Time:

800 Meter Run
60 Russian Twists (25/15 lb) (Left+Right=1) with a Plate
600 Meter Run
50 Push Ups (RX+ Ring Push Ups)
400 Meter Run
40 Toes-to-Bar

This is a long chipper with running intervals mixed into each segment of the workout, descending in volume and distance.

We start off with a big set of Russian Twists, ensure you are touching the ground on each side. These Russian twists will work your biceps just as much as your core, so get ready.

The RX PLUS Ring Push-Ups will need to be broken up into small sets from the beginning. If you can’t perform a regular Push-Up, you can do all 50 reps on your knees. Make sure you rest sitting up to get the much needed oxygen on your breaks.

Finally, Toes-to-Bar, since this is the final movement, give all you have left. Take advantage of the big kip by opening up your shoulders and having a quick turnover.


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