CrossFit – Fri, May 26




Please join us Monday, Memorial Day, for Murph and Mimosas. We will be serving Mimosa after the WOD.



HEAT 1 starts @7:30 am- scaled

HEAT 2 starts @ 8:45 am – scaled & RX

HEAT 3 starts @ 10:15 am – scaled &RX


This unique Memorial Day tradition will take place around the globe again on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023.

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Back Squat (10 Min E2MOM
6 Rep Back Squat
(Emphasis Position and Speed))

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (5 Round of 90 Sec (7.5 Min)
5 Rep RDL
@ 60% – 65%)

$$ Grip It (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 10 minutes:

5 Toes-to-Bar
5 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts (2×50/35 lb)
5 Double Dumbbell Hang Cleans (2×50/35 lb)
5 Double Dumbbell Push Presses (2×50/35 lb)

RX+ (70/50)
Today the emphasis is on the Double Dumbbell complex and Toes-to-Bar. This workout is on the shorter side and the volume will add up quickly. Let’s break it down.

Toes-to-Bar: It’s the highest skill component in the workout. The reps size is small in comparison to what we can see which will allow us to keep moving. If you are still working on Toes-to-Bar and don’t think you could hold on to sets of 5, pick the most challenging scaling option below.

For the Double Dumbbell movements, pick a weight you can do all 15 rep unbroken when fresh. You might choose to break as the workout progresses but knowing you can go unbroken in the beginning is the weight I want you to start with.

If you do need to break try and complete all 5 Deadlifts and 4 Hang Cleans, leaving one Hang Clean into the push presses as a smooth transition back into the working set.


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