CrossFit – Fri, May 19

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Deadlift (10 Min E2MOM
6 Rep Deadlift
@ 60%- 65%)

Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (5 Rounds of 90 Sec (7.5 Mins)
4 Rep Romanian Deadlift
@ 55% – 60% )

$$ Pushing P (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 15 minutes
5 Curtis P’s (95/70 lb)*
10 Toes-to-Bar

*1 Curtis P = 1 Power Clean + 2 Lunges (1 left + 1 right) + 1 Push Press (without letting go of the Barbell).
Very excited to incorporate the Barbell complex known as the “Curtis P” today. A “complex” is a series of unbroken movements, which in this case are:
1 Power Clean
2 Lunges (1 left + 1 right)
1 Push Press

Since each repetition leads into the next you will want to pick a weight you can complete the complex unbroken even under fatigue. Target a load you can do 3 repetitions unbroken when fresh.

Hanging onto the Barbell will test your grip, especially in combination with the Toes-to-Bar. Take advantage of the Lunges, while the Barbell is in the rack position. Loosen your grip and let your traps carry the load during that part.

After the Curtis P’s, we have our gymnastics piece: the set of 10 Toes-to-Bars. If you can complete 5 Toe-to-Bars unbroken when fresh, complete this portion of the workout RX (as prescribed). If Toes-to-Bar is a skill you are working toward, pick the most challenging option from below that you can complete 5 repetitions unbroken when fresh.


On a 15-minute clock, perform as many rounds and repetitions as possible (“AMRAP”) of 5 Curtis P’s
and 10 Toes-to-Bar.

Record your score as the total number of Rounds + Repetitions completed before the 15-minute clock stops.


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