CrossFit – Fri, Jun 2

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Snatch (10 Min E2MOM
4-5 Rep Snatch
@ 60% – 65%)

LVL – Snatch High Pull (4 Round of 90 Sec (6 Mins)
2 Rep
@ 75% – 80%)

$$ Capture The Flag (Time)

For Time:
800 Meter Run
50 Deadlifts (185/135 lbs)
25 Bar Facing Burpees
800m Run

Time Cap: 18 mins

We are looking at one large round today, somewhat like a chipper, so pacing will depend on our stamina during each movement.

The 800 meter Run will be a nice way to get our cardio component going right out of the gate, so keep a brisk pace if possible. Deadlifts will need to be broken up into smaller sets, so targeting 5 sets of 10 or similar before starting out will be a good plan of action.

Our last component is Bar Facing Burpees, and we should aim to finish these confidently. Hopefully these can be knocked out in one super set, but Deadlifts will make this a challenge, so feel free to break this up into 2 or 3 smaller sets if need be.

On a running clock, perform 800 meter Run, 50 Deadlifts, 25 Bar Facing Burpees and 800m Run, Record your score as the total time it takes to complete the entire workout as written.


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