Toys for Tots CrossFit AOF Competition 2015

CrossFit AOF “Toys for Tots”

This competition takes place Sunday December 13, 2015. Ripon, Ca. CrossFit AOF and is for a good cause.

A word from CrossFIT AOF:

With the holidays right around the corner we want to host this competition to help bless those that are not as fortunate throughout the holidays to receive gifts for Christmas. We will be partnering with Toys For Tots foundation and help bless these kids with gifts for Christmas. Each team will be responsible to bring 1 toy per team ($10-$20 toy). Male Teams will purchase toy for boy and Female teams will purchase toy for girl. This will go along with your $100 entry fee. We will be using the money to help provide other supplies for families for this holiday season.

The competition will consist of 3 WODs and a Final WOD…Top 3 will go to finals in each division.
Workouts will be released 2-3 weeks before the competition. We have RX/Scaled/Masters Division.
Master’s division will be 35+ older.
Same sex partners ex: male/male female/female
Masters is an open division so it will be male/male vs female/female and other male teams.
For RX division: must be able to Rx all/most girls benchmarks.
Scaled divison: Must not of competed in any previous RX comps.

*For any further questions feel free to email me at or go to:



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