Crossfit 7/29/22

CrossFit One World – CrossFit


Power Clean (12 x 1)

EMOM x 12

4 x 1 Low Hang Power Clean (below knees)

4 x 1 Hang Power Clean (above knees)

4 x 1 Power Clean

Work with 50-60% 1 RM

Focus on keeping the bar close, fast turnover.


Metcon (Time)


3 rounds for time of:

33 Toes-to-bars

22 Thrusters, 105/75 lbs

5 Rope Climbs, 15 ft

Time cap: 16 mins

Athlete Notes

This is a PRVN Fitness benchmark workout.

Scaling Options:

1. 95/65 lbs;

2. 75/55 lbs; 25 Toes to Bar or Hanging straight leg raises; 3 Rope Climbs to 15′ or 5 at 12′

3.65/45 lbs; Hanging knee raises; 5 lying Pull to Stand
This is a high volume workout so make sure you break up your reps early and often so you can maintain a consistent pace.


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