Cool Runnings

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

ATHLETES: Please be sure to check into the class that you plan to attend to make sure it’s not canceled due to wet/rain. If it is canceled it will not allow you to check in.

If it is canceled there will be a zoom instead
Crossfit M,W,F 6:30AM, 11:00AM & 6:30PM, Tues,Thurs 11:00AM & 4:45PM BootCamp Tues,Thurs 6AM,6PM

CLEAN COMPLEX (5×3 E2MOM for 10 Mins @ 70% of 1RM Clean & Jerk)

1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Clean

Cool Runnings (Time)

For Time:

400m Run

21 Front Squats

21 Burpee Box Jumps

400m Run

15 Front Squats

15 Burpee Box Jumps

400m Run

9 Front Squats

9 Burpee Box Jumps

400m Run
The real story is two American businessmen watching a pushcart race got the idea to mount Jamaica’s first bobsled team and had the support of the country’s Olympic Association. When no track athletes were game, they turned to the Jamaica Defence Force to do the majority of their recruiting.


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