Great Job One Worlders!

Crossfit Kindred’s “Throw back Throw Down”

LOL…this competition was fun, intense, intimate, loud, big, small, ferocious, timid, fast, slow, and smooth with a lot of pressure on the side. Jeff and Cindy were a great group of host, Brad and I really appreciate them opening up their doors to our teams.

One World can’t begin to express how happy we are to EVERYONE that jumped in head first. The focus of this competition was to bring people together to celebrate family, friends, community and success. I think all of you showed exactly what it means to lend yourself to the cause and push forward for a greater purpose. For the character that all of you showed, you can definitely rest assured, Brad and I will always be in the passenger seats when you need us to go down the long road with you. 

Great job everyone!


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