Crossfit Endurance Trainers Course October 11-12, 2014

CrossFit Endurance Seminar – Trainer Course

October 11-12, 8:00am to 4:00pm

2 Days of training, methodology, lectures and application.

*Injury Prevention
*Nutrition/Race Fueling
*Mobility/Self Myofacial Release
Training The Endurance Athlete
CrossFit Endurance Programming

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Register for the course by following this link:

Crossfit Endurance Course FAQs:

Trainer course:
Price: $595
Spend two full days with the CrossFit Endurance staff learning, studying, and applying the principles of CrossFit Endurance. It is an introduction to CrossFit Endurance and other factors which impact performance.

In addition to the material covered at the Athlete Course, attendees will learn more about CrossFit Endurance training, programming, nutrition, recovery, injury prevention and care. The endurance community is largely overtraining and this is an indispensable tool for learning how to effectively train others.

Frequently Asked Questions

#1: Do I need to be affiliated with CrossFit to attend this Course?

No, this course is open to anyone interested in learning how to become a more efficient runner, endurance athlete, or CrossFit athlete, and anyone interested in learning how to implement CrossFit and CrossFit Endurance training into a successful program.

#2: As a CrossFitter, how will this course benefit me?

This course will help you to effectively teach CrossFit Endurance methodology (including programming) and running mechanics.

#3: What course materials, if any, come with this Course?

You will receive:

pre-course reading materials that should be read prior to the course.
a layout of each presentation. You will be required to take notes.
a packet to continue improving your technique and skills following the course.
#4: Are there any pre-requisites for this course?

No. Anyone can attend; however, to receive a Trainer Certificate for the CrossFit Endurance Trainer Course one must hold a valid and current Level 1 Trainer Certificate. If you attend and do not hold a valid and current Level 1 Trainer Certificate, you will be issued a Certificate of Attendance.

#5: What should I wear?

Wear clothing you can work out in, running shoes, and bring a wristwatch with a stopwatch function.

#6: What are the requirements for becoming CrossFit Endurance Trainer?

The requirements for this credential are stringent, primarily for your protection and the safety of those you train. They are:

Holding a valid and current CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate
Course Attendance 100%
Participation 100%
#6: When will I receive my certificate?

You will receive your certificate at the completion of the seminar.

For more information, see the CrossFit Endurance site


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