Bootcamp November 20, 2014 (Thursday)

Big big big “two thumbs up” to the 6:00pm and the 8:00pm “Boot Camp Barbell Club” it looks like they are competing against each other and the 5:30am group, to be named the strongest class.
6:00pm recap:
Jacob and Chi set the tone on platform #1 and the ladies on platforms 2, 3, and 4 completely stepped up to the challenge. Alicia represented for the women and matched the heaviest lift of the day at 235 pounds. Carmella represented for our “Master” participants with the highest lift of 185 pounds. It looks like everyone is warming up well to Coach McClain and that will help each of you to continue with your steady progress.
8:00pm recap:
Jerardo stepped to the plate and knocked it out of the park. Today he holds the bragging rights for the highest amount of weight lifted (deadlift/bench press), out of all male participants…in all classes. We have another Ms. Leyva in the house…I think she’s eager to match and beat her sister. That’s no easy task lol, good luck young lady.
Lets do it again soon….


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