August 19th 2022

CrossFit One World – CrossFit


10 Min E2MOM

3 Push Press

2 Push Jerk

1 Split Jerk

@ 1 RM Push Press

Set 1 67%

Set 2 70%

Set 3 76%

Set 4 79%

Set 5 79%

Record Last Two Sets

Push Press

Push Jerk

Split Jerk


Level 1 Grease Lighting (10 Rounds for reps)

20 Min E2MOM

15/10 Cal Row/ RX+ Assault Bike

10 Thruster 45/35 Rx+ 95/65

Buy out 10 Bar Facing Burpee + Penalty Reps

Penalty Rep are the accumulated reps that you didn’t finish within the E2MOM

Example: Finish The Cal Row and only did 7 Thruster out of 10 Three Reps are penalty rep since the 2min Expired.


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