Arthur Ashe

CrossFit One World – CrossFit

Arthur Robert Ashe Jr. was an American professional tennis player who won three Grand Slam singles titles. Ashe was the first black player selected to the United States Davis Cup team and the only black man ever to win the singles title at Wimbledon, the US Open, and the Australian Open. He retired in 1980.

Push Press (5×5)

E2MOM for 10 mins at 75% of 1RM Push Press

Annabelle (Time)

For Time

50 Russian Kettlebell Swings (35/53)

104 Goblet Squats

50 Russian Kettlebell Swings

104 Kettlebell Ballistic Rows

50 Russian Kettlebell Swings

104 Kettlebell Push Presses

50 Russian Kettlebell Swings

104 Goblet Squats

50 Russian Kettlebell Swings
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written.

Score is the time on the clock when the last set of Russian Kettlebell Swings is completed.

Movement Standard

Kettlebell Ballistic Row: Similar to Bent Over Row, hold the Kettlebell on one hand and bend your upper torso 45 degrees down. Push the Kettlebell down close to the ground and pull it up to your hips and switch hands.

See: Kettlebell Ballistic Row Movement Demo




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