CrossFit One World – OW Fit

Deadlifts (5×5)

E2MOM for 10 mins 5 Reps @ 75% of 1 RM Deadlifts

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

“Dia De Los Muertos”

With a Running Clock For As Long As Possible

10 meter Sprint in the first minute

20 meter Sprint in the second minute

30 meter Sprint in the third minute


Rest 5 minutes

Ascending Push-Ups

Start with 1 Push-Up. Add 1 Push-Up every minute until failure.
With a running clock, perform 10 meter Sprint in the first minute, then 20 meter Sprint, adding 10 meter Sprint every minute for as long as possible. Once athlete, failed to finish the designated meters for the minute, rest 5 minutes. Then, perform ascending Push-Ups, starting with 1 Push-Up, adding 1 repetition every minute until failure.


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