WOD October 10, 2017 (Tuesday)

Skill Work: EMOM 6 mins (all in the same minute)
4 Hand Stand push ups
5 Toes To Bar

Weightlifting: Snatch Grip Push Press
E2MOM 10 mins of 5 Snatch Grip Push press at 82% of 1 Rm Snatch

We will be working on our ability to punch the bar well in the snatch grip position from the back rack, and also get comfortable reracking the barbell in the back rack.

WOD (For Time) 40-30-20-10*

  • Sit-ups
  • Over Head Plate hold walking lunge 45/25

*= 25 calorie row after every round

Rx+: Situps with 45/25 lb plate

Cap 20 mins


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