WOD September 29, 2017 (Friday)

Skill Work: Tabata Hollow Rock and Superman, switch every round between the two movements

Weightlifting: Back Squat
E2MOM 14 Mins, 1 Back Squat at 90% of 1 RM. Look to push the weight for 7 sets today in the back squat

For time of 10-1
Push Press 135/95 rx+: 155/105
Lateral Burpees over bar**
**100 meter run after every round

i.e 10 push press/10 lateral burpees, 9/9,…etc

Look to squeeze your glutes during these push press, do no re-bend your knees or else it is no rep, please no rep yourself if you do re-bend the coaches will be out there watching.


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