Skill Work: Toes-To-Bar
EMOM 7 mins Straight Set of Kipping Toes To Bar
Use this time to practice your kipping swing and toe-to-bar with a kip. If you are new to the movement start by alternating between the hollow and arch position on the bar and follow that by pulling the knees in and up to the chest.
Remember that this is skill practice and we have a high volume of shoulder work today so don’t start with a max set or use this to test your overall work capacity! Start with small sustainable sets and try to maintain that effort across a the entire 7 minutes.
Weightlifting: Shoulder Press
E2MOM 12 Mins 2 strict press at 80% of 1 RM
WOD: For Time (Cap 15 minutes) -10 to 1: pull ups, rx+: chest to bar pull ups / 1 to 10: burpee box jumps 24/20, rx+ 30/24
10 Pullups
1 Burpee box jumps
9 Pullups
2 Burpee box jumps
8 Pullups
3 Burpee box jumps
7 Pullups
4 Burpee box jumps
6 Pullups
5 Burpee box jumps
5 Pullups
6 Burpee box jumps
4 Pullups
7 Burpee box jumps
3 Pullups
8 Burpee box jumps
2 Pullups
9 Burpee box jumps
1 Pullups
10 Burpee box jumps